Wednesday, January 28, 2009

One Room at a Time

Well I am back to real life again. It has a busy reentry. Leaving on a big trip is always stressful and I left without having the energy to leave the house clean. Now that I am back I am trying to put my house back in order. I have decided to take it one room at a time. 

Yesterday I conquered my bedroom and bathroom. The bedroom would have been pretty easy except for all the luggage that had to be unpacked. The bathroom was sorely needing a deep scouring. It took me all morning but I did get it finished.

It felt great to get this goal finished and feel like I had created a beautiful space for myself again. It reminded me of how important it is to create everyday as a mother. Creating brings a sense of accomplishment and moving forward. As mothers we create every day but many of our creations are so slow in the making that it is hard to see the progress. Maybe that is the value in housework. I guess I just wish sometimes that things wouldn't follow the laws of entropy and revert to a state of disorder.

Well, I guess I am off to create a dinner and then a clean kitchen again. Tomorrow I will have to tackle the hallway. I know. You wouldn't think the hallway would be a big job. But my kids have "cleaned" Lauren's room to make it into a venue for their "rock concert." I think ALL the stuffed animals in our house are lined up as an audience. Everything that used to be in Lauren's room is now in the hallway. So tonight the rock concert, tomorrow the hallway. 

We can not run faster that our legs will take us. We must tackle the messes of life one room at a time.


Dawn, said...

I am a new stalker and am thoroughly enjoying your posts! After reading this post I need to recommend a book to you. The author does not have the same understanding of our Heavenly Father as we do but her entries are are so very spiritual. She is Gunilla Norris, and her book 'Being Home' finds the deeper, more longreaching affects our daily tasks as moms and homemakers hold. She expounds on things like dusting, folding clothes, cooking, etc.. and how we are truly bettering ourselves with those repetitive tasks. Just beautiful, I really think you would enjoy. She has many more books of thought that I enjoy also, but this is my favorite. I got my book on Amazon. Enjoy! Dawn, from Alabama

Lori said...

I am so happy that you and your family had a nice vacation and that your soul was able to have some peace. You are right that creating is good for you. And, if you can look at every day chores that way, it will offer peace.

Amanda said...

Yes, we cannot run faster than out legs can carry us...I should keep that in mind. I've been trying to get myself motivated enough to clean my house. I just keep telling myself, one thing at a time but as I do that one thing 10 other things are messed up.

I've been strugging recently with depression and get so overwhelmed. I wish I could have the healthy outlook that you do!

Jennie said...

Good advice! Sometimes it is so easy to get overwhelmed with all that needs to be done in a day. I love the idea of creating something everyday. I know when Elder Uchtdorf talked about creating at conference, it really resonated with me, and I have tried to create something daily. I'm glad you had a wonderful and peaceful vacation!

Anonymous said... is a marvelous place to go to remind ourselves how to do things without running faster than we need...
welcome back :)

Anonymous said...

I really need to instill that mantra into me--that housework is "creating". I had never thought of that before, but maybe it will help me be more motivated about it. :) Good luck with the rest of your creating!